I15-Extreme Conditions
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Polycrystalline diffraction is a robust methodology employed to assess elastic strain within crystalline components. The Extended Caking (exCaking) method represents a progression of this methodology beyond the conventional azimuthal segmentation (Caking) method for the quantification of elastic strains using Debye–Scherrer 2D X-ray diffraction rings. The proposed method is based on the premise that each complete diffraction ring contains comprehensive information about the complete elastic strain variation in the plane normal to the incident beam, which allows for the introduction of a novel algorithm that analyses Debye–Scherrer rings with complete angular variation using ellipse geometry, ensuring accuracy even for small eccentricity values and offering greater accuracy overall. The console application of the exCaking method allows for the accurate analysis of polycrystalline X-ray diffraction data according to the up-to-date rules presented in the project repository. This study presents both numerical and empirical examinations and error analysis to substantiate the method’s reliability and accuracy. A specific validation case study is also presented to analyze the distribution of residual elastic strains in terms of force balance in a Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy bar plastically deformed by four-point bending.
Aug 2024
Mechanical Engineering
I. P.
I. A.
Ya. V.
V. A.
Yu. V.
M. V.
N. I.
D. A.
V. S.
A. N.
N. A.
A. M.
Abstract: We present the conceptual design of a universal materials-research beamline based on the undulator of a fourth-generation synchrotron-radiation source. The distinctive feature of the beamline is its capability to work with both spectrally narrow (ΔE/E ~ 10–4) and relatively broad, high-intensity radiation beams (5 × 10–2). The optical scheme enables rapid switching between diffraction, radiographic, and spectroscopic experimental methods while keeping the beam’s position fixed on the test sample and varying the spot size of the radiation from 100 nm to 1 mm.
Mar 2024
DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Andrew M.
Sharif I.
Robert A.
Richard M.
Alexander M.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: The Dual Imaging and Diffraction (DIAD) beamline at Diamond Light Source (Didcot, U.K.) implements a correlative approach to the dynamic study of materials based on concurrent analysis of identical sample locations using complementary X-ray modalities to reveal structural detail at various length scales. Namely, the underlying beamline principle and its practical implementation allow the collocation of chosen regions within the sample and their interrogation using real-space imaging (radiography and tomography) and reciprocal space scattering (diffraction). The switching between the two principal modes is made smooth and rapid by design, so that the data collected is interlaced to obtain near-simultaneous multimodal characterization. Different specific photon energies are used for each mode, and the interlacing of acquisition steps allows conducting static and dynamic experiments. Building on the demonstrated realization of this state-of-the-art approach requires further refining of the experimental practice, namely, the methods for gauge volume collocation under different modes of beam–sample interaction. To address this challenge, experiments were conducted at DIAD devoted to the study of human dental enamel, a hierarchical structure composed of hydroxyapatite mineral nanocrystals, as a static sample previously affected by dental caries (tooth decay) as well as under dynamic conditions simulating the process of acid demineralization. Collocation and correlation were achieved between WAXS (wide-angle X-ray scattering), 2D (radiographic), and 3D (tomographic) imaging. While X-ray imaging in 2D or 3D modes reveals real-space details of the sample microstructure, X-ray scattering data for each gauge volume provided statistical nanoscale and ultrastructural polycrystal reciprocal-space information such as phase and preferred orientation (texture). Careful registration of the gauge volume positions recorded during the scans allowed direct covisualization of the data from two modalities. Diffraction gauge volumes were identified and visualized within the tomographic data sets, revealing the underlying local information to support the interpretation of the diffraction patterns. The present implementation of the 4D microscopy paradigm allowed following the progression of demineralization and its correlation with time-dependent WAXS pattern evolution in an approach that is transferable to other material systems.
Mar 2024
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Kwang Boon
Konstantinos A.
Chee Koon
Alexander M.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Abstract: The role of the nitrogen atmosphere on the microstructure and tensile properties of laser powder bed fused (PBF-LB/M) Fe-xCr (x=0, 5, 10, 15, 24 wt.%, mixed using elemental Fe and pre-alloyed Fe-46 wt.% Cr powders) binary alloys was investigated and compared with those fabricated under an inert (argon) atmosphere. Microstructural characterization reveals the variations of grain morphology with the chemical composition and the distinct effects of nitrogen on grain refinement and texture. Additionally, PBF-LB/M performed under the nitrogen atmosphere leads to the formation of Cr and Fe nitrides in the alloy. Significant enhancements in strength were observed in Fe, Fe-5Cr, and Fe-10Cr fabricated under nitrogen atmosphere due possibly to the solid solution and precipitation strengthening caused by dissolved nitrogen and the nitrides, respectively. However, the Fe-15Cr and Fe-24Cr alloys processed under the nitrogen atmosphere are brittle and crack upon PBF-LB/M due to the residual stresses. The findings in this work enrich the understanding of the effects of fabrication atmospheres in additive manufacturing, insights of which can be extended to diverse categories of alloys.
Mar 2024
B16-Test Beamline
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Current experimental and numerical quantification methods are limited in their ability to full-field mapping of the unpredictable distribution of all residual stress and permanent plastic strain components in additive manufacturing parts with discontinuous processing properties. To address this limitation, a tomographic eigenstrain (inherent strain) reconstruction method, that merges eigenstrain reconstruction with diffraction strain tomography for mapping volumetric distribution of all components of eigenstrains and corresponding elastic deformations like residual stresses non-destructively using minimum amount of tomographic scans is presented through numerical experiments, and then applied to the analysis of a CM 247 LC superalloy additive manufacturing part using diffraction strain tomography data. The method reconstructs all eigenstrain and corresponding residual stress components, parallel to the build direction, aligned with the experimental data component accurately, demonstrating its potential in optimizing the performance and reliability of parts designed for high-tech industries such as aerospace. Subsequent validations using the X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction strain scanning techniques confirm the method's reliability in reconstructing residual stress components parallel to the plane of powder bed that are different from the experimental data component. Furthermore, the novel findings of this study reveal a characteristic residual stress distribution pattern within additive manufacturing parts particularly those featuring rectangular shapes. Microstructural analysis also validates eigenstrain distribution in accordance with the findings on the characteristic distribution of residual stresses, highlighting the significance of this method in advancing materials research and development.
Feb 2024
I13-2-Diamond Manchester Imaging
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: High-resolution spatial and temporal analysis and 3D visualization of time-dependent processes, such as human dental enamel acid demineralization, often present a challenging task. Overcoming this challenge often requires the development of special methods. Dental caries remains one of the most important oral diseases that involves the demineralization of hard dental tissues as a consequence of acid production by oral bacteria. Enamel has a hierarchically organized architecture that extends down to the nanostructural level and requires high resolution to study its evolution in detail. Enamel demineralization is a dynamic process that is best investigated with the help of in situ experiments. In previous studies, synchrotron tomography was applied to study the 3D enamel structure at certain time points (time-lapse tomography). Here, another distinct approach to time-evolving tomography studies is presented, whereby the sample image is reconstructed as it undergoes continuous rotation over a virtually unlimited angular range. The resulting (single) data set contains the data for multiple (potentially overlapping) intermediate tomograms that can be extracted and analyzed as desired using time-stepping selection of data subsets from the continuous fly-scan recording. One of the advantages of this approach is that it reduces the amount of time required to collect an equivalent number of single tomograms. Another advantage is that the nominal time step between successive reconstructions can be significantly reduced. We applied this approach to the study of acidic enamel demineralization and observed the progression of demineralization over time steps significantly smaller than the total acquisition time of a single tomogram, with a voxel size smaller than 0.5 μm. It is expected that the approach presented in this paper can be useful for high-resolution studies of other dynamic processes and for assessing small structural modifications in evolving hierarchical materials.
Feb 2024
Eleni Myrto
Henry J.
Jayanath C. P.
Adrian P.
Alexander M.
Open Access
Abstract: Hydrodynamic cavitation is useful in many processing applications, for example, in chemical reactors, water treatment and biochemical engineering. An important type of hydrodynamic cavitation that occurs in a Venturi tube is vortex cavitation known to cause luminescence whose intensity is closely related to the size and number of cavitation events. However, the mechanistic origins of bubbles constituting vortex cavitation remains unclear, although it has been concluded that the pressure fields generated by the cavitation collapse strongly depends on the bubble geometry. The common view is that vortex cavitation consists of numerous small spherical bubbles. In the present paper, aspects of vortex cavitation arising in a Venturi tube were visualized using high-speed X-ray imaging at SPring-8 and European XFEL. It was discovered that vortex cavitation in a Venturi tube consisted of angulated rather than spherical bubbles. The tangential velocity of the surface of vortex cavitation was assessed considering the Rankine vortex model.
Dec 2023
B22-Multimode InfraRed imaging And Microspectroscopy
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
[34009, 32463]
Open Access
Abstract: Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a versatile material platform for a wide range of applications. However, the development of practical devices is constrained by their inherently low mechanical stability. The synthesis of MOFs in a monolithic morphology represents a viable way for the transition of these materials from laboratory research to real-world applications. For the design of MOF-based devices, the mechanical characterization of such materials cannot be overlooked. In this regard, stress-strain relationships represent the most valuable tool for assessing the mechanical response of materials. Here, we use flat punch nanoindentation, micropillar compression and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the stress-strain behaviour of MOF monoliths. A pseudo-plastic flow is observed under indentation, where the confining pressure prevents unstable crack propagation. Material flow is accommodated by grain boundary sliding, with occasional stepwise cracking to accommodate excessive stress building up. Micropillar compression reveals a brittle failure of ZIF-8, while plastic flow is observed for MIL-68.
Oct 2023
B16-Test Beamline
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
[30460, 31917]
Open Access
Abstract: The formation of residual stresses is inevitable during the additive manufacturing of metallic parts due to thermo-mechanicals effects, but the chaotic nature of printing processes makes it impossible to have a comprehensive understanding about the magnitude and distribution of these residuals. The voxel-based eigenstrain (inherent strain) reconstruction method is capable of the full-field reconstruction of residual stresses in discontinuous processing bodies at a scale that depends on the resolution of experimental data without using simplifying assumptions and regularisation functions. This advanced method firstly maps the distribution of eigenstrains and then quantifies corresponding residual stresses, residual elastic strains, and displacements by a cost-effective linear elastic computational framework. The reliability of this process solely depends on the quality of experimental data and the availability of computational power. The motivation behind this study is the use of the voxel-based eigenstrain reconstruction method for the full-field mapping of complex residual stress fields, that cannot be predicted by regularizing assumptions, in discontinuous processing additive manufacturing parts. The height Digital Image Correlation (hDIC) technique satisfied the need for high-quality experimental data by calculating triaxial displacements, corresponding to the elastic response of CM 247 LC powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing part after changes in the boundary conditions due to separation from the base, using optical profilometry measurements at a resolution adjusted in a way to reconstruct Type I residual stresses. Three components of displacements calculated by the hDIC were used to map the distribution of three components of eigenstrains for the reconstruction of six residual stress, six residual elastic strain and three displacement components that belong to the before and after separating from the base states. The reliability of calculations has been validated by monochromatic synchrotron X-ray beams in powder diffraction mode from the same surface of optical profilometry measurements and in transmission mode from the sampling volumes.
Sep 2023
I08-1-Soft X-ray Ptychography
I13-2-Diamond Manchester Imaging
I14-Hard X-ray Nanoprobe
I18-Microfocus Spectroscopy
Jessica M.
Julia E.
Matthew C.
Robert A.
Thomas E. J.
Michal M.
Richard M.
Alexander M.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
[27749, 30684, 30691, 31005, 29256, 23873]
Open Access
Abstract: Caries, a major global disease associated with dental enamel demineralization, remains insufficiently understood to devise effective prevention or minimally invasive treatment. Understanding the ultrastructural changes in enamel is hampered by a lack of nanoscale characterization of the chemical spatial distributions within the dental tissue. This leads to the requirement to develop techniques based on various characterization methods. The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate the strength of analytic methods using a correlative technique on a single sample of human dental enamel as a specific case study to test the accuracy of techniques to compare regions in enamel. The science of the different techniques is integrated to genuinely study the enamel. The hierarchical structures within carious tissue were mapped using the combination of focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy with synchrotron X-ray tomography. The chemical changes were studied using scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray wide-angle and small-angle scattering using a beam size below 80 nm for ångström and nanometer length scales. The analysis of XRF intensity gradients revealed subtle variations of Ca intensity in carious samples in comparison with those of normal mature enamel. In addition, the pathways for enamel rod demineralization were studied using X-ray ptychography. The results show the chemical and structural modification in carious enamel with differing locations. These results reinforce the need for multi-modal approaches to nanoscale analysis in complex hierarchically structured materials to interpret the changes of materials. The approach establishes a meticulous correlative characterization platform for the analysis of biomineralized tissues at the nanoscale, which adds confidence in the interpretation of the results and time-saving imaging techniques. The protocol demonstrated here using the dental tissue sample can be applied to other samples for statistical study and the investigation of nanoscale structural changes. The information gathered from the combination of methods could not be obtained with traditional individual techniques.
Jul 2023