DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Moataz M.
David M.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: This study explores cardiovascular stents fabricated using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) which is an emerging method to offer patient-specific customisable parts. Here, the shape memory alloy NiTi, in a near equiatomic composition, was investigated to deconvolve the material response from macroscopic component effects. Specifically, stress-geometry interactions were revealed, in-situ, for a minaturised cardiovascular stent subjected to an externally applied cylindrical stress whilst acquiring synchrotron X-ray imaging and diffraction data. The approach enabled the collection of spatially resolved micromechanical deformation data; the formation of stress-induced martensite and R-phase was evident, occurring in locations near junctions between stent ligaments where stress concentrations exist. In the as-fabricated condition, hardness maps were obtained through nanoindentation, demonstrating that the localised deformation and deformation patterning is further controlled by porosity and microstructural heterogeneity. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) supported these observations, showing a finer grain structure near stent junctions with higher associated lattice curvature. These features, combined with stress concentrations when loaded will initiate localised phase transformations. If the stent was subjected to repeated loading, representing in-vivo conditions, these regions would be susceptible to cyclic damage through transformation memory loss, leading to premature component failure. This study highlights the challenges that must be addressed for the post-processing treatment of LPBF-processed stents for healthcare-related applications.
Jul 2024
DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Andrew M.
Sharif I.
Robert A.
Richard M.
Alexander M.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: The Dual Imaging and Diffraction (DIAD) beamline at Diamond Light Source (Didcot, U.K.) implements a correlative approach to the dynamic study of materials based on concurrent analysis of identical sample locations using complementary X-ray modalities to reveal structural detail at various length scales. Namely, the underlying beamline principle and its practical implementation allow the collocation of chosen regions within the sample and their interrogation using real-space imaging (radiography and tomography) and reciprocal space scattering (diffraction). The switching between the two principal modes is made smooth and rapid by design, so that the data collected is interlaced to obtain near-simultaneous multimodal characterization. Different specific photon energies are used for each mode, and the interlacing of acquisition steps allows conducting static and dynamic experiments. Building on the demonstrated realization of this state-of-the-art approach requires further refining of the experimental practice, namely, the methods for gauge volume collocation under different modes of beam–sample interaction. To address this challenge, experiments were conducted at DIAD devoted to the study of human dental enamel, a hierarchical structure composed of hydroxyapatite mineral nanocrystals, as a static sample previously affected by dental caries (tooth decay) as well as under dynamic conditions simulating the process of acid demineralization. Collocation and correlation were achieved between WAXS (wide-angle X-ray scattering), 2D (radiographic), and 3D (tomographic) imaging. While X-ray imaging in 2D or 3D modes reveals real-space details of the sample microstructure, X-ray scattering data for each gauge volume provided statistical nanoscale and ultrastructural polycrystal reciprocal-space information such as phase and preferred orientation (texture). Careful registration of the gauge volume positions recorded during the scans allowed direct covisualization of the data from two modalities. Diffraction gauge volumes were identified and visualized within the tomographic data sets, revealing the underlying local information to support the interpretation of the diffraction patterns. The present implementation of the 4D microscopy paradigm allowed following the progression of demineralization and its correlation with time-dependent WAXS pattern evolution in an approach that is transferable to other material systems.
Mar 2024
DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Abstract: The DIAD beamline at Diamond Light Source is a new dual-beam instrument for quasi-simultaneous full-field imaging and powder diffraction. DIAD enables its users to visualise internal structures (in 2- and 3D) as well as identify and measure compositional and strain changes. The aim is to enable in-situ and in-operando experiments that require spatially correlated results from both X-ray Computed Tomography and X-ray Powder Diffraction. DIAD has two independent beams in the medium energy range (8-38keV) that are generated from a single source 10-pole wiggler. Both beams are combined at one sample position. Here, radiography and/or tomography can be performed using either a monochromatic or pink beam, with a 1.4 mm x 1.2mm field of view and a pixel size of 0.5 µm. Micro-diffraction is possible with a variable beam size between 13µm x 5 µm up to 50 µm x 50µm. The talk will start with a description of the multi-modal capabilities of DIAD and the unique data collection pipeline that has been developed to reduce post-processing workloads. This will be followed by recent results from the fields of material science and bioengineering. Finally, the talk will conclude by giving the audience tips on how to gain access to DIAD.
Oct 2022
DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: The DIAD beamline for Dual Imaging and Diffraction at Diamond Light Source has opted to use an industrial robot to position its Dectris Pilatus 2M CdTe diffraction detector. This setup was chosen to enable flexible positioning of the detector in a quarter-sphere around the sample position whilst reliably holding the large weight of 139 kg of detector, detector mount and cabling in a stable position. Metrology measurements showed that the detector can be positioned with a linear repeatability of <19.7 µm and a rotational repeatability of <16.3 µrad. The detector position stays stable for a 12 h period with <10.1 µm of movement for linear displacement and <3.8 µrad for rotational displacement. X-ray diffraction from calibration samples confirmed that the robot is sufficiently stable to resolve lattice d-spacings within the instrumental broadening given by detector position and beam divergence.
Jul 2022
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Abstract: Vanadium base alloys represent potentially promising candidate structural materials for use in nuclear fusion reactors due to vanadium's low activity, high thermal strength, and good swelling resistance. In this work, the mechanical properties of the current frontrunner vanadium base alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti, have been interrogated using in-situ high energy X-ray diffraction (XRD) tensile testing at varying temperatures. The single crystal elastic constants of the samples were determined from the in-situ XRD data and used to evaluate results from density functional theory calculations. Polycrystalline elastic properties and Zener anisotropy were calculated from the single crystal elastic constants produced, revealing the effect of elevated temperature on the alloy's elastic properties. These results characterise important thermomechanical properties, valuable in mechanical modelling, that will allow further and improved analysis of the structural suitability of V-4Cr-4Ti ahead of alloy adoption in the mainstream.
Jul 2022
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: A primary target towards the clean-up operation of the Fukushima disaster is the retrieval of Molten Core-Concrete Interaction (MCCI) products, presently residing on the basement of the damaged nuclear reactor Units 1–3. MCCI is a fusion of materials, composed of both nuclear fuel cladding and neighbouring structural components. Determining the currently unknown, physical and mechanical properties of MCCI is essential for successful and timely retrieval. In this paper, we aim to experimentally quantify the mechanical properties of a material fabricated to resemble MCCI. A small-scale representative specimen was mechanically tested using Hertzian indentation stepwise loading. Synchrotron X-ray computed tomography was conducted at several loading stages to reveal the sample microstructure and mechanical degradation. The acquired tomograms were analysed by digital volume correlation to measure full-field displacements and strains developed within the sample volume. Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio were determined via this combined methodology.
Jul 2022
DIAD-Dual Imaging and Diffraction Beamline
Sharif I.
Christopher M.
A. Douglas
Oliver N. F.
Andrew J.
Open Access
Abstract: The Dual Imaging and Diffraction (DIAD) beamline at Diamond Light Source is a new dual-beam instrument for full-field imaging/tomography and powder diffraction. This instrument provides the user community with the capability to dynamically image 2D and 3D complex structures and perform phase identification and/or strain mapping using micro-diffraction. The aim is to enable in situ and in operando experiments that require spatially correlated results from both techniques, by providing measurements from the same specimen location quasi-simultaneously. Using an unusual optical layout, DIAD has two independent beams originating from one source that operate in the medium energy range (7–38 keV) and are combined at one sample position. Here, either radiography or tomography can be performed using monochromatic or pink beam, with a 1.4 mm × 1.2 mm field of view and a feature resolution of 1.2 µm. Micro-diffraction is possible with a variable beam size between 13 µm × 4 µm and 50 µm × 50 µm. One key functionality of the beamline is image-guided diffraction, a setup in which the micro-diffraction beam can be scanned over the complete area of the imaging field-of-view. This moving beam setup enables the collection of location-specific information about the phase composition and/or strains at any given position within the image/tomography field of view. The dual beam design allows fast switching between imaging and diffraction mode without the need of complicated and time-consuming mode switches. Real-time selection of areas of interest for diffraction measurements as well as the simultaneous collection of both imaging and diffraction data of (irreversible) in situ and in operando experiments are possible.
Nov 2021
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Abstract: In this study we investigated the evolution of meso-scale internal stresses and those effects on local deformation behaviour during incremental plastic and creep deformation in type 316H stainless steel at 550°C, using in-situ X-ray synchrotron diffraction and crystal plasticity modelling. Owing to the fast data accusation rate of synchrotron diffraction technique, for the first time, the transient behaviour of different grain families was captured during initial fast stress relaxation period of the displacement-controlled creep dwells. Significantly it is found that the evolution of internal stresses during time independent plastic deformation is distinct from that during time dependent creep deformation. During plastic deformation, lattice strains in the {311} grain family exhibit linear behaviour whereas during creep deformation it exhibits non-linear behaviour, instead the {111} grain family exhibit linear behaviour. A novel unified constitutive law was devised within crystal plasticity framework based on the theoretical physics; the model successfully predicts the macroscopic deformation behaviour as well as the distinction between the evolution of meso-scale internal stresses during plastic and creep deformation, therefore, correctly accounting for the effect of internal stresses generated during plastic deformation on the subsequent creep deformation. The validated model has elucidated the grain-neighbouring effects on individual grain deformations.
Jun 2021
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
J. P.
K. R.
C. P.
T. B.
D. J.
C. A.
C. L.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Decommissioning of the damaged Chernobyl nuclear reactor Unit 4 is a top priority for the global community. Before such operations begin, it is crucial to understand the behaviour of the hazardous materials formed during the accident. Since those materials formed under extreme and mostly unquantified conditions, modelling alone is insufficient to accurately predict their physical, chemical and, predominantly, mechanical behaviour. Meanwhile, knowledge of the mechanical characteristics of those materials, such as their strength, is a priority before robotic systems are employed for retrieval and the force expected from them to be exerted is one of the key design questions. In this paper we target to measurement of the standard mechanical properties of the materials formed during the accident by testing small-scale, low radioactivity simulants. A combined methodology using Hertzian indentation, synchrotron X-ray tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC), was adopted to estimate the mechanical properties. Displacement fields around the Hertzian indentation, performed in-situ in a synchrotron, were measured by analysing tomograms with DVC. The load applied during the indentation, combined with full-field displacement measured by DVC was used to estimate the mechanical properties, such as Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of these hazardous materials.
Mar 2021
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Abstract: Thermal shocks are an important incident in operation of a pressure vessel which can have a significant impact on the structural integrity of the vessel. Often experiments that consider the state of the vessel before and after the thermal shock are used to evaluate the effects of the thermal shock. The studies can be complemented by time-resolved numerical simulations, which may be validated against the final state of the vessel obtained experimentally, to infer the transient response of the material. The transient response is important as the material experiences the highest level of stress in a short period which can induce catastrophic failure. This paper reports time-resolved experimental quantification of strain in reactor pressure vessel material during thermal shock measured by in-situ synchrotron diffraction. Specimens were extracted from a plate of nuclear pressure vessel steel with a nickel alloy cladding deposited by overlay welding. The specimens, with and without cracks, were subjected to thermal loading by heating then rapidly quenching the cladding in cold water. Strains were measured during thermal loading at a point near the crack tip from which the stress state around the crack tip was calculated and compared with a transient finite element model of the experiment. It was found that the peak near-tip stress occurred within the first second after the onset of rapid cooling. It was demonstrated from experimental measurements that the peak stress intensity factor occurred during thermal shock, rather than under steady conditions before or after the thermal shock. It was shown that although the finite element simulation predicts the steady state condition of the material after thermal shock, its transient response dependents significantly on a number of inputs with high uncertainty, making its time-resolved results unreliable for high-fidelity integrity assessments.
Oct 2020