I11-High Resolution Powder Diffraction
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Li-excess Mn-based disordered rock salt oxides (DRX) are promising Li-ion cathode materials owing to their cost-effectiveness and high theoretical capacities. It has recently been shown that Mn-rich DRX Li1+xMnyM1–x–yO2 (y ≥ 0.5, M are hypervalent ions such as Ti4+ and Nb5+) exhibit a gradual capacity increase during the first few charge–discharge cycles, which coincides with the emergence of spinel-like domains within the long-range DRX structure coined as “δ phase”. Here, we systematically study the structural evolution upon heating of Mn-based DRX at different levels of delithiation to gain insight into the structural rearrangements occurring during battery cycling and the mechanism behind δ phase formation. We find in all cases that the original DRX structure relaxes to a δ phase, which in turn leads to capacity enhancement. Synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction were employed to examine the structure of the δ phase, revealing that selective migration of Li and Mn/Ti cations to different crystallographic sites within the DRX structure leads to the observed structural rearrangements. Additionally, we show that both Mn-rich (y ≥ 0.5) and Mn-poor (y < 0.5) DRX can thermally relax into a δ phase after delithiation, but the relaxation processes in these distinct compositions lead to different domain structures. Thermochemical studies and in situ heating XRD experiments further indicate that the structural relaxation has a larger thermodynamic driving force and a lower activation energy for Mn-rich DRX, as compared to Mn-poor systems, which underpins why this structural evolution is only observed for Mn-rich systems during battery cycling.
Aug 2024
Open Access
Abstract: Storing and utilising electricity from renewable sources is of growing importance as we move away from our reliance on fossil fuels. Batteries and supercapacitors are becoming ever more present in our day to day lives; in order to improve the next generation of batteries and supercapacitors, we must understand on an atomic scale what happens to electrode materials upon charge and discharge. In order to do this, we must combine structural and electrochemical studies, using techniques which use both different length scales and different timescales. These experiments are known as operando experiments and are a valuable tool in analysing new materials for energy storage.
Transition metal niobates of the columbite structure (MNb2O6, M = transition or alkali earth metal) have previously been studied for their photocatalytic and magnetic properties but recently have garnered interest as negative electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors.1 In this study, a series of columbite materials have been studied using a range of operando and ex-situ techniques. Samples were prepared using both solid-state synthesis2 and solution methods. Ex-situ X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterise the columbites prior to electrochemical testing. Operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy and operando Raman studies have been used to probe the changes in oxidation state of the transition metals and local structure upon charge/discharge.
Aug 2024
I11-High Resolution Powder Diffraction
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Potassium-ion batteries (KIBs) are emerging as a promising alternative technology to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their significantly reduced dependency on critical minerals. KIBs may also present an opportunity for superior fast-charging compared to LIBs, with significantly faster K-ion electrolyte transport properties already demonstrated. In the absence of a viable K-ion electrolyte, a full-cell KIB rate model in commercial cell formats is required to determine the fast-charging potential for KIBs. However, a thorough and accurate characterisation of the critical electrode material properties determining rate performance—the solid state diffusivity and exchange current density—has not yet been conducted for the leading KIB electrode materials. Here, we accurately characterise the effective solid state diffusivities and exchange current densities of the graphite negative electrode and potassium manganese hexacyanoferrate
(KMF) positive electrode, through a combination of optimised material design and state-of-the-art analysis. Finally, we present a Doyle-Fuller-Newman model of a KIB full cell with realistic geometry and loadings, identifying the critical materials properties that limit their rate capability.
Aug 2024
Abstract: The aqueous Al-ion battery potentially has improved safety and environmental advantages over the incumbent lithium-ion technology [1,2]. Using 3D carbon-felt matrix electrodes, the performance of these batteries can be optimised. Typically, the electrodes are compressed to improve electrical conductivity by improving contact between adjacent fibres, which also closes the electrolyte pores, reducing the ionic diffusivity [3]. In this work, we set out to understand the role of electrode compression on the interplay between these key performance parameters for the aq. Al-ion battery.
Synchrotron X-ray computed tomography was used to examine the 3D morphology of the carbon felt electrodes under 11 different compression ratios [4]. A bespoke in-situ tensile/compression rig was used to measure displacement and loading for three electrode types: raw carbon felt, positive electrodes loaded with a copper hexacyanoferrate ink and negative electrodes loaded with TiO2 anatase powder. Data was acquired using two voxel sizes (330nm, and 540nm) to compare the effects of spatial resolution and imaged volume size on subsequent image analysis. The tomograms were reconstructed using Paganin phase retrieval, to improve the contrast of the weakly attenuating carbon, and a filtered back projection algorithm. A U-net convolutional neural network was trained on uncompressed, fully compressed and partially compressed (three volumes) data, and then used to fully segment all tomograms.
A high-throughput, image-based model was then used to analyse how compression affects the porosity, tortuosity, volume-specific area, ionic diffusivity, and electrical conduction of the electrodes. A finite differences-based model was used to solve the equilibrium partial differential equations directly on the voxel datasets, with no additional regularisation [5]. The heterogeneity of the electrode samples is quantified by comparing the effect of representative elementary volume on the value of the computed parameters [6]. Finally, aq. Al-ion batteries are manufactured using the predicted optimal compression ratio and compared to the simulated results.
This is the first in-situ study of the compression effect on the aqueous aluminium-ion battery, and the largest XCT-based modelling study known to the authors (99 XCT tomograms). This work aims to improve the understanding of the effect of manufacturing parameters on the aqueous Al-ion battery and other similar batteries, and ultimately, its performance.
Aug 2024
Judy S.
Philip R.
Samuel D.
Sang Il
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Abstract: Efforts to enhance the efficiency and stability of formamidinium lead triiodide (FAPbI3) perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have primarily focused on employing methylammonium chloride (MACl) as an effective additive. MACl significantly improves the crystallinity and lowers the δ-to-α phase transition temperature of FAPbI3, thereby contributing to the remarkable efficiency of these solar cells. However, upon evaporation with deprotonation of MACl during annealing, the highly reactive methylamine leads to the formation of N-methylformamidinium (MFA+) cations. Despite their potential for significant influence on the properties of FAPbI3 perovskites, the chemical and optoelectronic characteristics of MFA+ in FAPbI3 remain poorly understood. This study investigates the unexplored role of MFA+ in FAPbI3 perovskite with MACl incorporation through advanced nanoscale characterization techniques, including photo-induced force microscopy (PiFM), four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy, and wavelength-dependent Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). We reveal that MACl induces compositional heterogeneities, particularly formamidinium (FA+) and MFA+ cation inhomogeneities. Surprisingly, MACl selectively promotes the formation of MFAPbI3 at grain boundaries (GBs) and as clusters near GBs. Additionally, we confirm that MFAPbI3 is a wide bandgap, and charge carriers are effectively separated at GBs and clusters enriched with MFAPbI3. This is particularly interesting because MFAPbI3, despite its crystal structural similarity to yellow phase δ-FAPbI3, displays a high surface photovoltage, and does not deteriorate the solar cell performance. This study not only provides insights into the byproduct formation of MFA+ induced by local cation heterogeneity after employing MACl, but also guides a crucial perspective for optimizing formamidinium-based PSC design and performance.
Aug 2024
I15-1-X-ray Pair Distribution Function (XPDF)
Robert A.
De Sousa Coutinho
Alex W
Peter G.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: The discovery of new transition metal (TM) oxide cathodes which can act as intercalation hosts for Mg2+ ions is critical for the development of high energy density Mg-ion batteries. In Li-ion batteries, disordered rocksalts with sufficiently high Li+ charge carrier ion concentration, i.e. Li:TM >1.1, can support fast Li+ diffusion and therefore deliver high capacities (~300 mAh g-1) and rate performance. Here, we investigate a range of simple Mg-rich disordered rocksalt cathodes, Mg2TMO3 (TM = Mn, Ni, Co), which possess similar charge carrier ion concentrations and similar ratios between ion size and interstitial tetrahedron height to the Li-rich disordered rocksalts. We show that, even with high carbon loadings, elevated cycling temperatures and reduced particle and crystallite size, it is not possible to extract Mg2+, indicating Mg2+ transport through Mg-rich cathodes is far less facile than Li+ in the Li-rich counterparts. Despite this, we demonstrate that Li-rich disordered rocksalts, such as Li2-xMnO2F (x = 1), can act as intercalation hosts for Mg2+, opening possible routes to activating these Mg-rich systems.
Aug 2024
B18-Core EXAFS
I21-Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)
Ashok S.
Beth J.
Gabriel E.
Samuel G.
Serena A.
Louis F. J.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
[33292, 33173]
Open Access
Abstract: In layered lithium transition metal oxide cathodes, high-voltage operation is accompanied by the formation of oxygen dimers, which are widely used as an indicator of oxygen-redox activity. However, understanding the role that oxygen dimerization plays in facilitating charge compensation is still needed. Li2NiO3 (a 3d8L2-containing compound, where L is a ligand hole) is studied as a model system, where oxygen dimerization is shown to occur without cathode oxidation. Electrochemical cycling results in a net reduction of the cathode, accompanied by structural transformations, despite spectroscopic features of oxygen dimers arising at the top-of-charge. Here, oxygen dimerization is shown to coexist alongside a structurally transformed and electronically reduced cathode structure, thus highlighting that O dimerization is independent of bulk redox processes. This makes it clear that a thermodynamically derived transformation toward a reduced phase remains the only variable capable of generating O–O dimers in Li2NiO3.
Aug 2024
I09-Surface and Interface Structural Analysis
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Triethyl phosphate (TEP) is a cheap, environmentally benign, and non-flammable electrolyte solvent, whose implementation in lithium-ion batteries is held back by its co-intercalation into graphite anodes, resulting in exfoliation of the graphite structure. In this work, the electrode-electrolyte interface behaviour of electrolytes containing up to 100% TEP was investigated and correlated to electrochemical performance. High capacity and stable cycling are maintained with up to 30% TEP in carbonate ester-based electrolytes, but above this threshold the reversibility of Li+ intercalation into graphite drops sharply to almost zero. This represents a potential route to improved battery safety, while TEP can also improve safety indirectly by enabling the use of lithium bis(oxalato borate), a fluorine-free salt with limited solubility in traditional electrolytes. To understand the poor performance at TEP concentrations of >30%, its solvation behaviour and interfacial reaction chemistry were studied. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data confirms changes in the Li+ solvation shell above 30% TEP, while operando gas analysis indicates extensive gas evolution from TEP decomposition at the electrode above the threshold concentration, which is almost entirely absent below it. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling of electrodes demonstrates poor passivation by the solid electrolyte interphase above 30% TEP and significant graphite exfoliation.
Jul 2024
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
I13-2-Diamond Manchester Imaging
Dominic L. R.
Shengda D.
Gregory J.
T. James
Peter G.
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
[26060, 30683, 28773]
Open Access
Abstract: Charging current densities of solid-state batteries with lithium metal anodes and ceramic electrolytes are severely limited due to lithium dendrites that penetrate the electrolyte leading to a short circuit. We show that dendrite growth can be inhibited by different crack deflection mechanisms when multi-layered solid electrolytes, such as Li6PS5Cl/Li3ScCl6/Li6PS5Cl and Li6PS5Cl/Li10GeP2S12/Li6PS5Cl, are employed but not when the inner layer is Li3PS4. X-ray tomographic imaging shows crack deflection along mechanically weak interfaces between solid electrolytes as a result of local mismatches in elastic moduli. Cracks are also deflected laterally within Li3ScCl6, which contains preferentially oriented particles. Deflection occurs without lithium being present. In cases where the inner layers react with lithium, the resulting decomposition products can fill and block crack propagation. All three mechanisms are effective at low stack pressures. Operating at 2.5 MPa, multi-layered solid electrolytes Li6PS5Cl/Li3ScCl6/Li6PS5Cl and Li6PS5Cl/Li10GeP2S12/Li6PS5Cl can achieve lithium plating at current densities exceeding 15 mA cm−2.
Jul 2024
I15-Extreme Conditions
Diamond Proposal Number(s):
Open Access
Abstract: Quenching from high temperatures has been identified as a useful means to enhance the piezoelectric properties and thermal stability of bismuth-based perovskite ferroelectrics. In the present work, it is demonstrated that quenching leads to improvement of depolarization temperature, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-NaNbO3 (NBT-0.1NN) ceramics. In-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements indicated an irreversible transformation from cubic to coexisting cubic and rhombohedral phases during the application of a high electric field, for both as-sintered and quenched ceramics. These results confirm the non-ergodic relaxor ferroelectric nature of the materials. DC poling induced a transformation to single-phase rhombohedral structure in both cases, with highly textured domain configurations. These well-oriented ferroelectric domain states were relatively stable under subsequent bipolar electric field cycling. For the pre-poled NBT-0.1NN ceramics, the quenched samples were found to exhibit the highest intrinsic (lattice strain) and extrinsic (domain switching) contributions to electrostrain, due to the increased rhombohedral distortion.
Jul 2024