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Measurement of strain evolution in overloaded roller bearings using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction

DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2019.105893 DOI Help

Authors: A. Reid (University of Sheffield) , C. Simpson (University of Bristol) , I. Martinez (University of Sheffield) , S. Kabra (ISIS Facility) , T. Connolley (Diamond Light Source) , O. Magdysyuk (Diamond Light Source) , C. Charlesworth (Diamond Light Source) , M. Marshall (University of Sheffield) , M. Mostafavi (University of Bristol)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Tribology International , VOL 140

State: Published (Approved)
Published: December 2019
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 18468

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: There are several mechanisms contributing towards detrimental damage in wind turbine gearbox bearings, with sudden overload events believed to reduce their expected operational life. The generation of subsurface plasticity, followed by rolling contact fatigue, may lead to the initiation of either surface or subsurface cracking. This study presents a novel technique capable of measuring subsurface strain evolution in a rotating roller bearing, using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction. A pre-overloaded bearing was tested dynamically and consequently failed prematurely, supporting the hypothesis that overloads accelerate bearing failure. Throughout the test, an increase in compressive radial strain was observed, indicative of material softening, generally associated with the unstable stage of rolling contact fatigue, which occurs prior to definitive bearing failure.

Journal Keywords: Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction; Stroboscopic strain; Rolling contact fatigue; Bearing overload

Subject Areas: Engineering, Materials, Environment

Instruments: I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing

Added On: 08/08/2019 09:15


Discipline Tags:

Earth Sciences & Environment Sustainable Energy Systems Energy Materials Engineering & Processes Climate Change Materials Science Engineering & Technology

Technical Tags:

Diffraction Energy Dispersive Diffraction (EDD)