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A novel electromagnetic apparatus for in-situ synchrotron X-ray imaging study of the separation of phases in metal solidification

DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2020.e00104 DOI Help

Authors: Billy Koe (University of Hull; Diamond Light Source) , Colin Abraham (Diamond Light Source) , Chris Bailey (Diamond Light Source) , Bob Greening (Diamond Light Source) , Martin Small (Diamond Light Source) , Thomas Connolley (Diamond Light Source) , Jiawei Mi (University of Hull)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Hardwarex

State: Published (Approved)
Published: March 2020
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 19256 , 23362

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: As part of a research into new techniques for purifying recycled aluminium, a novel electromagnetic apparatus had been developed for the purpose of investigating in real-time the separation mechanisms of detrimental inclusions in aluminium alloy melts under alternating magnetic fields. The magnetic coil was designed based on the Helmholtz coil design. A viewing gap was designed for in-situ imaging studies using synchrotron X-rays. The gap was designed to maintain a uniform magnetic field in the central region where a sample is positioned. The current setup for the magnetic coil pair is able to produce a peak magnetic flux density of ∼10 mT at a frequency of 25 kHz. A separate electrical resistance furnace, designed specifically to fit within the magnetic coil, was used to control the heating (up to ∼850°C) and cooling of the samples. After systematic tests, commissioning, the apparatus was used in a number of in-situ and ex-situ experiments.

Journal Keywords: Electromagnetic phase separation; Electrical resistance furnace; Synchrotron X-rays; In-situ solidification experiment

Diamond Keywords: Alloys

Subject Areas: Technique Development, Physics, Engineering

Instruments: I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing

Added On: 19/03/2020 16:02


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Physics Technique Development - Engineering & Technology Materials Science Engineering & Technology Metallurgy

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Imaging Tomography