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Controlling the properties of the micellar and gel phase by varying the counterion in functionalised-dipeptide systems

DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01252A DOI Help

Authors: Kate Mcaulay (University of Glasgow) , Pedro Agís Ucha (University of Glasgow; University of Granada) , Han Wang (Johns Hopkins University) , Ana M. Fuentes-Caparros (University of Glasgow) , Lisa Thomson (University of Glasgow) , Osama Maklad (University of Liverpool) , Nikul Khunti (Diamond Light Source) , Nathan Cowieson (Diamond Light Source) , Matthew Wallace (University of East Anglia) , Honggang Cui (Johns Hopkins University) , Robert J. Poole (University of Liverpool) , Annela Seddon (University of Bristol) , Dave J. Adams (University of Liverpool)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Chemical Communications , VOL 97

State: Published (Approved)
Published: March 2020
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 19847

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: The micellar aggregates formed at high pH for dipeptide-based gelators can be varied by using different alkali metal salts to prepare the solutions. The nature of the micellar aggregates directly affects the properties of the resulting gels.

Subject Areas: Chemistry

Instruments: B21-High Throughput SAXS

Added On: 24/03/2020 13:09


Discipline Tags:

Soft condensed matter physics Chemistry Chemical Engineering Engineering & Technology Organic Chemistry

Technical Tags:

Scattering Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)