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Exploring the origins of crystallisation kinetics in hierarchical materials using in situ X-ray diffraction and pair distribution function analysis

DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00670J DOI Help

Authors: Matthew E. Potter (University of Southampton) , Mark E. Light (University of Southampton) , Daniel J. M. Irving (University of Southampton) , Alice E. Oakley (University of Southampton) , Stephanie Chapman (University of Southampton) , Philip Chater (Diamond Light Source) , Geoff Cutts (Diamond Light Source) , Andrew Watts (Diamond Light Source) , Michael Wharmby (Diamond Light Source) , Bart D. Vandegehuchte (Total Research & Technology Feluy) , Moritz W. Schreiber (Total Research & Technology Feluy) , Robert Raja (University of Southampton)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , VOL 336

State: Published (Approved)
Published: March 2020
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 21878 , 19039 , 16135 , 22842

Abstract: The discovery of novel catalytic materials is predicated on understanding contemporary synthetic processes. With this fundamental knowledge in place it becomes possible to modify the final material with subtle changes to the synthesis process. In this vein, hierarchical materials, formed by the addition of a mesoporogen within the hydrothermal synthesis, have attracted a significant amount of attention due to their catalytic benefits over analogous microporous species. In this work we monitor the hydrothermal synthesis in situ of a hierarchical and a microporous aluminophosphate, for the first time, combining total scattering and pairwise distribution function data. In doing so we observe the local formation of the species, and the longer range crystallisation processes concurrently.

Subject Areas: Chemistry, Materials

Instruments: I15-1-X-ray Pair Distribution Function (XPDF)

Added On: 16/04/2020 09:37

Discipline Tags:

Zeolites Physical Chemistry Catalysis Chemistry Materials Science

Technical Tags:

Scattering Pair Distribution Function (PDF)