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Energy recovery of multiple charge sharing events in room temperature semiconductor pixel detectors

DOI: 10.3390/s21113669 DOI Help

Authors: Antonino Buttacavoli (University of Palermo) , Gaetano Gerardi (University of Palermo) , Fabio Principato (University of Palermo) , Marcello Mirabello (University of Palermo) , Donato Cascio (University of Palermo) , Giuseppe Raso (University of Palermo) , Manuele Bettelli (IMEM/CNR) , Andrea Zappettini (IMEM/CNR) , Paul Seller (Science and Technology Facilities Council) , Matthew Veale (Science and Technology Facilities Council) , Leonardo Abbene (University of Palermo)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Sensors , VOL 21

State: Published (Approved)
Published: May 2021
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 20545

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: Multiple coincidence events from charge-sharing and fluorescent cross-talk are typical drawbacks in room-temperature semiconductor pixel detectors. The mitigation of these distortions in the measured energy spectra, using charge-sharing discrimination (CSD) and charge-sharing addition (CSA) techniques, is always a trade-off between counting efficiency and energy resolution. The energy recovery of multiple coincidence events is still challenging due to the presence of charge losses after CSA. In this work, we will present original techniques able to correct charge losses after CSA even when multiple pixels are involved. Sub-millimeter cadmium–zinc–telluride (CdZnTe or CZT) pixel detectors were investigated with both uncollimated radiation sources and collimated synchrotron X rays, at energies below and above the K-shell absorption energy of the CZT material. These activities are in the framework of an international collaboration on the development of energy-resolved photon counting (ERPC) systems for spectroscopic X-ray imaging up to 150 keV.

Journal Keywords: CZT pixel detectors; charge sharing; charge-sharing correction; semiconductor pixel detectors

Subject Areas: Physics

Instruments: B16-Test Beamline

Added On: 09/06/2021 14:23


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Detectors Engineering & Technology

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