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Mechanical performance and deformation mechanisms at cryogenic temperatures of 316L stainless steel processed by laser powder bed fusion: In situ neutron diffraction

DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.114806 DOI Help

Authors: Lei Tang (University of Birmingham) , Oxana V. Magdysyuk (Diamond Light Source) , Fuqing Jiang (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences) , Yiqiang Wang (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) , Alexander Evans (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)) , Saurabh Kabra (ISIS Facility) , Biao Cai (University of Birmingham)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Scripta Materialia , VOL 218

State: Published (Approved)
Published: September 2022

Abstract: Manufacturing austenitic stainless steels (ASSs) using additive manufacturing is of great interest for cryogenic applications. Here, the mechanical and microstructural responses of a 316L ASS built by laser powder bed fusion were revealed by performing in situ neutron diffraction tensile tests at the low-temperature range (from 373 to 10 K). The stacking fault energy almost linearly decreased from 29.2 ± 3.1 mJm−2 at 373 K to 7.5 ± 1.7 mJm−2 at 10 K, with a slope of 0.06 mJm−2K−1, leading to the transition of the dominant deformation mechanism from strain-induced twinning to martensite formation. As a result, excellent combinations of strength and ductility were achieved at the low-temperature range.

Diamond Keywords: Alloys; Additive Manufacturing

Subject Areas: Materials, Engineering

Facility: ENGIN-X at ISIS

Added On: 25/05/2022 13:52

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Materials Engineering & Processes Materials Science Engineering & Technology Metallurgy

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