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Ligand solid-solution tuning of magnetic and mechanical properties of the van der Waals metal-organic magnet NiCl2 (btd) 1-x (bod)x

DOI: 10.1039/D4CC04214J DOI Help

Authors: Emily Myatt (University of Nottingham) , Simrun Lata (University of Nottingham) , Jem Pitcairn (University of Nottingham) , Dominik Daisenberger (Diamond Light Source) , Silva M. Kronawitter (Technical University of Munich) , Sebastian A. Hallweger (Technical University of Munich) , Gregor Kieslich (University of Cambridge) , Stephen P. Argent (University of Nottingham) , Jeremiah P. Tidey (University of Warwick) , Matthew J. Cliffe (University of Nottingham)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Chemical Communications

State: Published (Approved)
Published: October 2024
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 30815

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: Van der Waals (vdW) magnets offer unique opportunities for exploring magnetism in the 2D limit. Metal-organic magnets (MOM) are of particular interest as the functionalisation of organic ligands can control their physical properties. Here, we demonstrate tuning of mechanical and magnetic function of a noncollinear vdW ferromagnet, NiCl2(btd) (btd = 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole), through creating solid-solutions with the oxygen-substituted analogue ligand 2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (bod). We synthesise solid-solutions, NiCl2(btd)1–x(bod)x , up to x = 0.33 above which we find mixtures form, primarily composed of a new 1D coordination polymer NiCl2(bod)2. Magnetometry on this series shows that bod incorporation reduces the coercivity significantly (up to 60%), without significantly altering the ordering temperatures. Our high pressure synchrotron diffraction measurements up to 0.4 GPa demonstrate that the stiffest axis is the b axis, through the Ni-N-(O/S)-N-Ni bonds, and the softest is the interlayer direction. Doping with bod fine-tunes this compressibility, softening the layers, but stiffening the interlayer axis. This demonstrates that substitution of organic ligands in vdW MOMs can be used to realise targetted magnetic and mechanical properties.

Subject Areas: Materials, Chemistry, Physics

Instruments: I15-Extreme Conditions

Added On: 30/10/2024 13:41


Discipline Tags:

Quantum Materials Physics Physical Chemistry Chemistry Magnetism Materials Science Inorganic Chemistry Organometallic Chemistry

Technical Tags:

Diffraction High-Pressure X-ray Diffraction (HP-XRD)