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Composition-driven structural phase transitions in rare-earth-doped BiFeO(3) ceramics: a review

DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2014.006668 DOI Help
PMID: 25585391 PMID Help

Authors: Donna Arnold (University of Kent)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, And Frequency Control , VOL 62 (1) , PAGES 62 - 82

State: Published (Approved)
Published: January 2015
Diamond Proposal Number(s): 3806

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: Bismuth ferrite suffers from high leakage currents and the presence of a complex incommensurate spin cycloidal magnetic ordering, which has limited its commercial viability and has led researchers to investigate the functionality of doped BiFeO3 ceramics. In particular, the substitution of rare earths onto the Bi3+ site of the perovskite lattice have been shown to lead to improved functional properties, including lower leakage currents and the suppression of the magnetic spin cycloid. There is particular interest in materials with compositions close to structural morphotropic phase boundaries, because these may lead to materials with enhanced electronic and magnetic properties analogous to the highly relevant PbZrO3- PbTiO3 solid solution. However, many contradictory crystal structures and physical behaviors are reported within the literature. To understand the structure property relationships in these materials, it is vital that we first unravel the complex structural phase diagrams. We report here a comprehensive review of structural phase transitions in rare-earth-doped bismuth ferrite ceramics across the entire lanthanide series. We attempt to rationalize the literature in terms of the perovskite tool kit and propose an updated phase diagram based on an interpretation of the literature.

Diamond Keywords: Ferroelectricity; Antiferromagnetism

Subject Areas: Materials, Chemistry, Physics

Instruments: I11-High Resolution Powder Diffraction

Added On: 19/01/2015 11:51


Discipline Tags:

Hard condensed matter - electronic properties Multiferroics Ceramics Physics Chemistry Materials Science Inorganic Chemistry

Technical Tags:

Diffraction X-ray Powder Diffraction