
Progress in total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology

Authors: M. K. Tiwari (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , G. S. Lodha (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , B. Gowrisankar (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , A. K. Singh (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , G. M. Bhalerao (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , A. Das (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , A. Verma (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , R. V Nandedkar (Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology) , K. J. S. Sawhney (Diamond Light Source)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Current Science , VOL 95 (5) , PAGES 603-609

State: Published (Approved)
Published: October 2008

Abstract: Total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy has attracted interest in recent years. Using this technique, almost all elements ranging from sodium (Z = 11) to uranium (Z = 92) in the periodic table can be detected and analysed in a wide concentration range in a single measurement. The present state-of-the-art sensitivities of TXRF are stretched to femtogram range by employing synchrotron radiation as an excitation source. This article aims to provide a basic overview of the TXRF technique to the general readers. We describe a TXRF spectrometer developed in a laboratory source. An X-ray fluorescence-microprobe beamline for TXRF is being constructed, as an extension of this activity, on the Indian synchrotron source, Indus-2.

Journal Keywords: Bragg Reflection; Compton Effect; Fluorescence Spectroscopy; Indus-2; Standing Waves; Thin Films; X-Ray Spectroscopy

Subject Areas: Physics

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Added On: 29/02/2016 12:35

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