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Energy dispersive-EXAFS of Pd nucleation at a liquid/liquid interface

DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/712/1/012058 DOI Help

Authors: S.-Y. Chang (University of Manchester) , S. G.l Booth (University of Manchester) , A. Uehara-Kasuno (University of Manchester) , J. F. W. Mosselmans (Diamond Light Source) , G. Cibin (Diamond Light Source) , V.-T. Pham (Synchrotron SOLEIL; Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) , L. Nataf (Synchrotron SOLEIL) , R. A. W. Dryfe (University of Manchester) , S. L. M. Schroeder (University of Manchester)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Conference Paper
Conference: XAFS 16
Peer Reviewed: Yes

State: Published (Approved)
Published: May 2016

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: Energy dispersive extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EDE) has been applied to Pd nanoparticle nucleation at a liquid/liquid interface under control over the interfacial potential and thereby the driving force for nucleation. Preliminary analysis focusing on Pd K edge-step height determination shows that under supersaturated conditions the concentration of Pd near the interface fluctuate over a period of several hours, likely due to the continuous formation and dissolution of sub-critical nuclei. Open circuit potential measurements conducted ex-situ in a liquid/liquid electrochemical cell support this view, showing that the fluctuations in Pd concentration are also visible as variations in potential across the liquid/liquid interface. By decreasing the interfacial potential through inclusion of a common ion (tetraethylammonium, TEA+) the Pd nanoparticle growth rate could be slowed down, resulting in a smooth nucleation process. Eventually, when the TEA+ ions reached an equilibrium potential, Pd nucleation and particle growth were inhibited.

Subject Areas: Chemistry, Materials

Facility: ODE at Soleil

Added On: 13/06/2016 11:31


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Chemistry Materials Science

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