'Hybrid' non-destructive imaging techniques for engineering materials applications
(University of Oxford)
Co-authored by industrial partner:
Published (Approved)
September 2014
Abstract: The combination of X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques provides a unique tool for structural and mechanical analysis of engineering components. A variety of modes can be employed in terms of the spatial resolution (length-scale), time resolution (frequency), and the nature of the physical quantity being interrogated. This thesis describes my contributions towards the development of novel X-ray “rich” imaging experimental techniques and data interpretation. The experimental findings have been validated via comparison with other experimental methods and numerical modelling. The combination of fast acquisition rate and high penetration properties of X-ray beams allows the collection of high-resolution 3-D tomographic data sets at submicron resolution during in situ deformation experiments. Digital Volume Correlation analysis tools developed in this study help understand crack propagation mechanisms in quasi-brittle materials and elasto-plastic deformation in co-sprayed composites. For the cases of crystalline specimens where the knowledge of “live” or residual elastic strain distributions is required, diffraction techniques have been advanced. Diffraction Strain Tomography (DST) allows non-destructive reconstruction of the 2-D (in-plane) variation of the out-of-plane strain component. Another diffraction modality dubbed Laue Orientation Tomography (LOT), a grain mapping approach has been proposed and developed based on the translate-rotate tomographic acquisition strategy. It allows the reconstruction of grain shape and orientation within polycrystalline samples, and provides information about intragranular lattice strain and distortion. The implications of this method have been thoroughly investigated. State-of-the-art engineering characterisation techniques evolve towards scrutinising submicron scale structural features and strain variation using the complementarity of X-ray imaging and diffraction. The first successful feasibility study is reported of in operando stress analysis in an internal combustion engine. Finally, further advancement of ‘rich’ imaging techniques is illustrated via the first successful application of Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Strain (TOF-NDST) tomography for non-destructive reconstruction of the complete strain tensor using an inverse eigenstrain formulation.
Subject Areas:
B16-Test Beamline
I12-JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environmental and Processing
I22-Small angle scattering & Diffraction
Added On:
27/07/2017 11:07
Discipline Tags:
Materials Engineering & Processes
Materials Science
Engineering & Technology
Technical Tags:
X-ray Powder Diffraction
Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS)