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The Spectroscopy Village at Diamond Light Source

DOI: 10.1107/S1600577518006173 DOI Help

Authors: Sofia Diaz-Moreno (Diamond Light Source) , Monica Amboage (Diamond Light Source) , Mark Basham (Diamond Light Source) , Roberto Boada (Diamond Light Source) , Nicholas E. Bricknell (Diamond Light Source) , Giannantonio Cibin (Diamond Light Source) , Thomas Cobb (Diamond Light Source) , Jacob Filik (Diamond Light Source) , Adam Freeman (Diamond Light Source) , Kalotina Geraki (Diamond Light Source) , Diego Gianolio (Diamond Light Source) , Shusaku Hayama (Diamond Light Source) , Konstantin Ignatyev (Diamond Light Source) , Luke Keenan (Diamond Light Source) , Iuliia Mikulska (Diamond Light Source) , J. Frederick W. Mosselmans (Diamond Light Source) , James J. Mudd (Diamond Light Source) , Stephen A. Parry (Diamond Light Source)
Co-authored by industrial partner: No

Type: Journal Paper
Journal: Journal Of Synchrotron Radiation , VOL 25

State: Published (Approved)
Published: July 2018

Open Access Open Access

Abstract: This manuscript presents the current status and technical details of the Spectroscopy Village at Diamond Light Source. The Village is formed of four beamlines: I18, B18, I20-Scanning and I20-EDE. The village provides the UK community with local access to a hard X-ray microprobe, a quick-scanning multi-purpose XAS beamline, a high-intensity beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy of dilute samples and X-ray emission spectroscopy, and an energy-dispersive extended X-ray absorption fine-structure beamline. The optics of B18, I20-scanning and I20-EDE are detailed; moreover, recent developments on the four beamlines, including new detector hardware and changes in acquisition software, are described.

Journal Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy; microfocus spectroscopy; X-ray emission spectroscopy; energy-dispersive EXAFS

Subject Areas: Technique Development

Instruments: B18-Core EXAFS , I18-Microfocus Spectroscopy , I20-EDE-Energy Dispersive EXAFS (EDE) , I20-Scanning-X-ray spectroscopy (XAS/XES)

Added On: 05/06/2018 09:10


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